CCTV cameras manufacturing- Security made simple


Security surveillance camera systems are now one of the most powerful and efficient tools in protecting your premises whether indoors or outdoors. Through proper implementation and deployment, security camera surveillance systems help in deterring crimes, improve situational awareness, and even provide identification of areas for improving the security operations. As a security system integration and CCTV Cameras manufacturing firm with years and years of experience we believe in the importance of providing education to every individual on how to best secure their facilities and premises. For a more hands-on approach, advanced technologies are providing a complete evolution in the world of CCTV, developing several security solutions that ultimately fit the needs of every consumer from beginning to end.

Though most of the consumer's and manufacturing service provider company's attention these days is highly focused on the transition of standard video technology to IP video technology, it's important to note that analog CCTV security cameras can still be proven highly effective for many surveillance applications and premises, especially for consumers on a strict budget. Using IP video security surveillance systems and other pieces of equipment such as digital video recorders and hybrid DVRs makes it possible to leverage your existing analog and standard cameras while migrating into the evolving world of digital surveillance. But mostly if we see in today's era, consumers are attracted towards digital surveillance cameras because they're designed with advanced technologies and provide great effective monitoring, which is very important in times of increasing crime rates.

The surveillance is also getting much easier due to the various modifications are done in the CCTV surveillance security camera systems like nowadays, it’s getting much handier to view the premises in real-time, that is live monitoring can be done from anywhere and at any time with help of the application. Several CCTV manufacturing companies have also launched their mobile applications which have now made the surveillance more reliable and effective.

What basically are security surveillance systems?

With the technological advancements that have been made in size, quality, and wireless capabilities, it’s integral that you understand the security camera system options and features available according to your requirements and needs. Most security systems include a physical camera, specific features, a monitor, a remote video storage system, and a communication or connection link between these parts. Certain cameras are highly suitable for certain situations and certain premises. So, going with the correct security camera system according to your needs and requirements and choosing the correct security camera systems can save you a lot of time, money, and exhaustion. Security cameras are much more powerful and efficient than the consumers or the public generally believes. Their purpose is not only about deterring crime or gathering evidence, though that is a huge benefit of it. 

While the best security camera systems can help the deterioration of potential thieves, if the security cameras are not deployed according to your requirements, the investment you have made in a top-of-the-line security system would be useless and invaluable. CCTV technology has been around the corner since the 1940s and became a major part of the security surveillance industry around 1970. The technology is tried and true and believed, and there are several CCTV security surveillance camera models to virtualize any surveillance application in smart-phones, laptops, desktops and, etc. The two main categories of CCTV security cameras are fixed cameras and pan/tilt/zoom models which can rotate horizontally and vertically to cover all the possible areas and directions.

How security cameras made everything easier?

Using CCTV Cameras manufacturing the security surveillance camera systems provides us with a video feed and recordings that enable the customer the identification of threats and alert with real-time alert systems based on those threats beforehand only. Security cameras should have the capability to keep complete track of every individual as they enter, approach, and/or leave the facility or respective premises. They also help authorities and officials with investigating on-premise loss prevention, reduce the threat of counterfeit claims, and help ensure the safety of every individual. Why do certain premises need to have security surveillance camera systems installed in their facilities? It seems that the answer is very simple and basic, on the surface.  It ensures the complete safety and security of your environment.

Some of its major benefits are-

  • Deterioration of crimes- This is the biggest and the most obvious benefit of installing security surveillance cameras at certain premises. Once their deployment is done, you will be able to see their variated effects on every individual almost immediately. Even if they are placed discreetly, you will still start feeling some sense of security, which is effective and priceless. Whether you install the security surveillance camera systems in your home or at the workplace, you can prevent several criminal activities from occurring. Just mere sight of the CCTV camera staring back at those people and the sheer thought of getting caught and identified red-handed are intimidating enough for malicious people or thieves to be on their best behavior as they would get a complete knowledge that their identity and illegal activity have been captured and can be used a shred of full-proof evidence against them. Whether you’re experiencing problems or circumstances related to theft, punctuality, or productivity, your security camera can provide you with complete solutions for safeguarding. It empowers you and prevents your premises, like home, and office from becoming an easy target of criminals.
  • Monitor scenarios & activities- It is extremely easy to control and handle security surveillance camera systems as they can be installed or deployed anywhere as long as there is a power source close by them. They come in different shapes, sizes, and usage; some are so tiny that can be hidden in plants, pictures, photo frames, etc. Depending on your needs and requirements you can buy either hidden cameras or mountable ones which are easily visible. Never let any individual or anything suspicious out of your sight with the help of a security camera system. And while it is always recommended and is a hot topic related to surveillance, that you should avoid buying dummy security cameras, one can provide you with enough benefits of fixing real-time security cameras as a solid security measure. Criminals are now smart and dummy cameras cannot fool them away in these times, so there’s no point in having them deployed. Real-time monitoring security cameras, on the other side of the story, are extremely helpful and worthy as they enable you to monitor and keep a keen eye on the activities of people visiting your home and office and passing nearby it as well as the goings-on at these places. This is a great way to detect suspicious people and keep tabs on their activities beforehand.
  • Gather evidence- Installation of security surveillance camera systems in strategic places is way handier when you need to monitor actions, activities, and words of people or during any event or on certain premises. Modern and digital security surveillance camera systems are not only equipped with high-quality and advanced video capabilities but audio quality as well. The clear and high-resolution images blended with flawless audio manager systems make them more efficient and reliable than ever at recording a series of happenings and mishappenings. This particularly provides help while dealing with a legal scenario or case of any malicious activity, wherein there is no witness of that incident or eye witness may have forgotten a certain important detail or maybe not provided with an accurate account of what transpired. With a security surveillance camera, the legal authorities or crime department can see the series of events as they unfolded. 
  • Arrive at correct decisions- The footage, recordings, and snapshots from security surveillance cameras can help you make correct and fair decisions when settling any disputes or witnessing any incidents, both in domestic as well as professional environments. Whether it is dealing with a situation involving disagreements among your family members, within your employees, or between a customer and the service staff, your doubts can be laid to a complete rest with the help of installing a security surveillance camera system. Incorrect, inappropriate, fabricated, or false claims made by customers or other authorities can be reviewed and sorted out when you make security surveillance camera systems in your ally. 
  • Maintenance of records- So you got to hear of something that happened outside your home premises or office premises about a fortnight ago and curiosity is getting an increase. You can douse it by simply looking or watching up your all security records. it is systematically maintained, i.e. as per the date and the time of every event. Whether it is any criminal activity or a minor tiff at your surroundings, the security camera deployed chronicles it, thereby making it easy and effective for you to investigate the actual happenings. 
  • Reduction in insurance costs- Insurance costs rotating between your home, phone, vehicles, and business provide a great opportunity to save money by using security surveillance cameras. Some insurance companies also provide offers like discounted rates to facilities that provide installation of security cameras in or around their building. Another way commercial security surveillance and monitoring cameras provide a reduction in this cost is through the fact that there will be constant surveillance and will not allow being false injury claims by either customers or any employees. For the instance, if that incident does occur, the evidence is beneficial to prove your business, liability-free and ensuring that your insurance costs will not spike up.
How to measure the value of a security camera?

Measuring security camera quality is one of the most crucial challenges that come with the installation of a security camera system because it is more time-consuming and buyers should have proper knowledge of trending technologies which most of the consumers are not familiar with. The resolution of any security surveillance camera system is an important factor, but it isn’t the only deciding factor when it comes to measuring the overall quality and features of any CCTV security camera system. Understanding and keeping in mind these factors can be helpful in the evaluation of complete security camera quality. This will provide great assistance for you to pick out the best security cameras for surveillance of your indoor and outdoor premise monitoring. 

Some of the factors to keep in mind are-

  • Image resolution- The image resolution is a standard method to measure the size of the video being recorded by the CCTV. Small or low-resolution video is not as good and clear because their images are made up of more than a few pixels. The larger the image being recorded by the security surveillance cameras is, the higher will be the quality and resolution of the video will be. 
  • Lens used- There are three types of lenses used in security cameras: fixed, varifocal, and zoom, each of them determines the quality of a security camera. 
  • Image sensor- In a security surveillance camera, the image sensor impacts the quality of images and video footage that you’ll receive. The quality of a CCTV camera’s image sensor often dictates the entire image and video quality. There are two types of sensors available in the market: CCD and CMOS. 
  • Frame rate- Frame rate usually determines how many frames or images that a security camera captures per second. Frame rates that fall below 15 frames per second don't have clarity and are of poor quality. The best frame rate for proper surveillance is between 25-30 frames per second. 
  • HDR and WDR- High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) are technically different, yet they primarily serve the same purpose which provides a camera’s dynamic range. 
  • Video compression- The video footage being captured by security surveillance cameras is usually compressed by the camera or the recorder to make the best use of storage space. 
  • Superior video analytics- When ensuring reliability and efficiency, it’s integral that a security camera system must provide multiple video analytics features which are specific like automatic recording, mobile notifications, motion sensors, and even one-touch, direct communication with a local crime department just in case the system happens to detect and record a break-in.